Verify crypto withdrawal

Verify if your crypto withdrawal is successful

To do this, Make a POST request to the following endpoint.

The request takes this as the body

    withdrawal_id: "hJi3OP"

With the following header

x-auth-token: <SECRET_KEY>

If the API call is successful, LocalRamp returns the following response:

    status: "success",
    message: "Withdrawal retrieved",
    data: {
        status: "Done",
        amount: "100.0",
        fee: "1.0",
        total: "101.0",
        txid: "0x58a8997a0f11156e261abe067ecb4ada12e614e442629ef7ffcc6dc",
        currency: "usdt"

Status becomes Done only after the withdrawal transaction has been completed on the blockchain

Last updated