Widget Pop-up
Crypto on-ramp on your website
The widget product allows you to on-ramp your users without them leaving your website/app by just initiating a pop-up.
1. Get your public key
Get your public key from your dashboard
2. Add the pay-ins/collections script
Avoid exposing your secret key on the client side (or front end) of your application. Requests to LocalRamp's API should be initiated from your server.
You can pass either the sender_amount
or receiver_amount
when initializing the widget but not both.
Before passing in either the sender_amount
or receiver_amount
, you'll need to know the maximum and minimum values allowed for each field. See limit section.
To get the list of supported currencies and country codes for both sender_currency
and receiver_currency
see the Get currencies section
and receiver_amount
show payment intent and does not guarantee the exact value that would be received at the end of the transaction. To see the exact amounts received, get transaction state.
3. Verifying the transaction status
Once the modal is closed, the onClose function is called with the transaction reference
This is the same reference used in initializing the widget which can now be used to verify the transaction. See verify section
4. Receive confirmation via webhook
In some cases, the crypto might take a few minutes to arrive. If you do not want to keep querying the transaction status, you can always get informed when the transaction is complete through webhooks. See webhook section.
Last updated