Get Transaction State

After the modal is closed, you should fetch the transaction to know the current status. Make a GET request to the following endpoint.

With the following header

x-auth-token: <SECRET_KEY>

If the API call is successful, LocalRamp returns the following response:

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "reference": "my-unique-ref",
        "state": "completed",
        "txid": "<txID>",
        "received_amount": "0.7382747",
        "receiver_currency": "BTC_BTC",
        "sent_amount": "10000",
        "sender_currency": "NGN",
        "destination_address": "<address>",
        "destination_tag": null,
        "email": "",
        "payment_method": "bank_transfer", //mobile_money
        "source_account_bank": "Wallet Bank"
        "phone_network": "MTN",

The possible state's are awaiting_payment, pending and completed

awaiting_payment - This means we are yet to receive payment from the customer.

pending - This means we have received payment and we are processing the request

completed - This means that the transaction has been completed

sent_amount is the fiat amount sent by the user minus localramp fees.received_amount is the amount in crypto sent to the wallet. Note that these are different from the sender_amount and receiver_amountused in initiating the transaction.

Last updated