Full-page checkout

Hosted pages

This allows you to redirect your users to a separate fiat on-ramp checkout page.

With the Checkout Redirect option, you can access the LocalRamp payment gateway by making a request from your server to our initiate buy endpoint. We would return a response that includes a Checkout URL that loads the payment page where your users can purchase crypto. After payment is completed or canceled, the customer is returned to any URL specified by you.

1. Collect payment details

Collect payment/purchase details from your user. These details are passed to the initiate buy endpoint.

Please find below the request body for the endpoint.

Data Type



Required - Your unique transaction reference. Must be unique for every transaction. e.g "Abc123"



Optional e.g "customer@example.com"



Optionally Required - The currency your user would be paying in. It becomes required only if sender_amount or receiver_amount is provided. e.g "NGN"



Optionally Required - The country_code of the user paying in. It becomes required only if sender_currencyis provided. e.g "NG", "KE", "GH", "ZM"



Optionally Required - The cryptocurrency that would be received. It becomes required only if sender_amount , receiver_amount or destination_address is provided. e.g "USDT_BSC"



Optional - amount your user would be paying in sender_currency unit. e.g "20000.00". If this is present, then receiver_amount should be omitted



Optional - crypto amount that should be received in receiver_currency unit. e.g "0.78728772". If this is present, then sender_amount should be omitted



Optional - crypto address where payments will be sent to. e.g "0xC637255611b0A70259722c35D419077Da4cACcfF"



Optionally required - For coins that require a memo or tag. It is only required if address provided supports tags/memos e.g "3239783255"



Optional - Specify a particular payment method e.g instant_p2p



Optional - Hex color code to customize widget e.g "#DA70D6"



Optional - The url to redirect your users to, when the transaction is complete

You can pass either the sender_amount or receiver_amount when initializing the widget but not both.

Before passing in either the sender_amount or receiver_amount, you'll need to know the maximum and minimum values allowed for each field. See limit section.

To get the list of supported currencies and country codes for both sender_currency and receiver_currency see the Get currencies section

sender_amount and receiver_amount show payment intent and does not guarantee the exact value that would be received at the end of the transaction. To see the exact amounts received, get transaction state.

2 - Initialize the transaction

After collecting the necessary payment details for the transaction. Make a POST request to our initiate buy endpoint.


This endpoint takes the payment details as the request body.

With the following header

x-auth-token: <SECRET_KEY>

This endpoint is protected by secret key authentication. So when calling it, append the x-auth-token header with your secret key.

If the API call is successful, LocalRamp returns the following response:

    "status": "success",
    "msg": "Transaction(buy) initiated successfully",
    "data": {
        "reference": "your-unique-reference",
        "checkout_link": "https://checkout.localramp.co/bTYUBjkns"

You should then redirect your user to the Checkout URL provided in the response to enable them to complete their payment.

You can also choose to open the checkout link in an iframe

<iframe src="https://checkout.localramp.co/bTYUBjkns" frameborder="0" width="350" height="500" allow="clipboard-read; clipboard-write self *"></iframe>

Once the purchase is complete or the checkout is closed, LocalRamp will redirect your user to your specified callback_url.

3. Verifying the transaction status

The transaction reference will be appended as a query parameter to your callback_url as well.


You can now verify the status of the transaction. See verify section

In a situation where no callback_url is passed, the user will be redirected to your business website.

4. Receive confirmation via webhook

In some cases, the crypto might take a few minutes to arrive. If you do not want to keep querying the transaction status, you can always get informed when the transaction is complete through webhooks. See webhook section.

Last updated